Natalie Schlegel, Director

MBA, Bentley College
BA, Economics and Spanish, Vanderbilt University

How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since August 2003.

Tell us why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley:
I have worked in the field of international educational exchange since 2000, advising students at high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels. At Bentley, I am pleased to have the opportunity to be part of a community that is both close-knit and global at once!

Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I studied in Argentina for six months as an undergraduate, and I have lived in Germany and Scotland. I've traveled in Africa, Europe, and South America.

Advice for students studying abroad:
Your education abroad experience can be anything you make of it. Set realistic expectations, keep an open mind, and don't be a tourist; learn to live like a local!