Josh Nupp, Assistant Director

M.Ed., Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education, University of Virginia
BA, French, Wake Forest University

How long have you worked at Bentley?
Since August 2007.

Tell us about why you chose a career in International Education at Bentley:
I entered the field of international education right after college when I got a job with a non-profit, high school foreign exchange organization. Four years later, I decided to return to school for a masters degree in order to enter the field of higher education. Now I am excited to be part of such a great team of individuals dedicated to providing students with the preparation and support necessary to get the most out of their study abroad experience.

Where have you lived/traveled/worked/studied abroad?
I spent a semester studying in Dijon, France in college. I have also traveled extensively throughout Europe, and to Canada, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Advice for students studying abroad:
Studying abroad will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity by immersing yourself in all aspects of the local culture, as your time overseas will be over before you know it.