ED 77201 Site Team Visit
Bentley University
Cronin Office of International Education
May 5, 2009

Bentley University Mission Statement

Bentley University is distinctive among U.S. and international universities in having two faculties, in business and in the arts and sciences, which are unified in their educational mission. Bentley may therefore be understood as a university within a business school — a university because of the character and scope of its education and research agendas, and a business school because of its orientation.

Bentley graduates excel in complex and dynamic environments through their capacity to initiate, lead, and affect value-creating change. As responsible and ethical individuals, they recognize and take into account the broader social, political, and environmental context within which all organizations operate.

As a business university, Bentley University distinctively integrates business and the liberal arts and is internationally known for the quality and impact of its educational programs and research. Bentley is a leader in promoting ethical and socially responsible enterprise and the critical role of information and communication technology in achieving sustainable high performance.

Bentley University has a long-standing commitment to ethics, social responsibility, service and sustainability that grew out of the intersection of business and the arts and sciences. The emphasis on business ethics emanated from the Philosophy Department, which launched the Center for Business Ethics more than 30 years ago. Our nationally ranked Service-Learning program was started out of the English and Sociology Departments in the early 1990s and now cuts across the entire institution. As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), Bentley is committed to innovative pedagogy and research, embedding these areas throughout the curriculum and our research agenda. Faculty publish in many of the leading journals in this area, including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Business Ethics Quarterly, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Research in Accounting Regulation, and theWomen in Management Review. The Alliance for Ethics and Social Responsibility facilitates the collaboration of these institution-wide initiatives. The alliance works to inform what we research and teach, and also how we operate as an organization.

The integration of business and information technology is a strategic focus at Bentley. The institution is consistently ranked in the U.S. News and World Report information systems top 20 for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Bentley researchers continue to publish in many of the leading information systems journals including the MIS Quarterly, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Communications of the ACM, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and ACM Transactions on Information Systems. Professor M. Lynne Markus was the recipient of the 2008 AIS Leo Award for Exceptional Lifetime Achievement in Information Systems having previously received the 2006 MIS Quarterly Paper of the Year award as well as having this article selected as one of the five best papers to be published that year. Bentley was the only institution having two articles receiving this recognition.

Bentley supports the continued growth of an inspiring, compassionate, and diverse community that cultivates the lifelong growth and development of all our students. The Bentley community embraces diversity and appreciates its value in stimulating creativity, innovation, and profound learning. Bentley's connections beyond business to government and the not-for-profit sectors exemplify its commitment to the development of community. Bentley's distinctive mission for the future reflects its vision and its unique capacity to serve its stakeholder communities.

As a business university, Bentley University's mission is to create new knowledge within and across business and the arts and sciences and to educate creative, ethical, and socially responsible organizational leaders.

Cronin Office of International Education Mission

Bentley's Cronin Office of International Education provides students with academically rigorous and culturally rich international experiences, preparing them for socially responsible leadership in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Cronin Office of International Education

Adamian Academic Center
Adamian Academic Center

Brendan Sage & Mike Sirera
Cronin Office of International Education
Sarah Walk & Cristina Dimengo
Natalie Schlegal, Director & Josh Nupp, Assistant Director
Cristina Dimengo
Brendan Sage
Amy Howard & Brendan Sage
Mike Sirera
Josh Nupp
Sarah Walk
Cristina Dimengo
Amy Howard
Brendan Sage - thumbs up!
Mike -Deep thoughts.
Tim Rice
International Exchange Students
World Times Zones

Inside the office

Participating Universities

Map of the world - showing participating Universities
South East Asia
South America
United Kingdom +


Campus Tour

The Bentley Library was completely renovated in 2006 and today combines comfort with state-of-the-art resources for learning and research.
Morison Hall is the place to meet professors, get advise from academic advisors, or sign up for a community service project.
The Smith Academic Technolgy Center is home to the Financial Trading Room, the Design and Usability Center, the Corporate and Networking lab and a distance education classroom.

Adamian Academic Center houses a variety of classrooms and programs.

Quite Please
Study Room availability
Strange Doll Art
Loud or disruptive students may be asked to leave the building!
Smith Academic Technolgy Center
Lindsay Hall is home to classrooms, the Koutmantzelis Auditorium and Media and Culture Labs and Studios
Lindsay Hall
Deloitte Cafe - Corporate Sponsorship

Josh Nupp and the Bentley Falcon
Bentley Falcon - Class of 1971

The LaCava Campus Center (left) is home to numerous student services, as well as the Lower Cafe
Jennison Hall is one of the three main classroom buildings on campus.
Cristina & Brendan
View to the South
The Financial Trading Room

Collins Hall is the center of action overlooking the green space where students gather when the weather is nice.

Greek Life

Center for Health & Wellness..that way!
The Student Center is the hub of student activities on Bentley's campus.
Welcome to the Bentley University Student Center
The overall purpose of the Student Affairs office is to help students be successful through services and programs designed to help them take advantage of all that Bentley has to offer. The Dean of Student Affairs is responsible for the following offices: Student Activities, Student Affairs, the Residential Center, Orientation, Center for International Students and Scholars, Multicultural Center, Center for Health and Wellness and the Bentley Judicial system. The Student Affairs office supports a number of programs including First Week and First Year Seminar, Sophomore Quest, Commencement Week, Convocation, and Baccalaureate.Brendan Sage and Andrew Shepardson Ph.D., Dean of Students
Mike Sirera
Cristina & Sarah

"There is no normal day!"
Andrew and Josh
Multicultural Center

Center for International Students & Scholars

Inside the Multicultural Center

The Trees complex, home to many freshman, including seven traditional residence halls.
The Trees

Academic Affairs Office for External relations

Founders Day - February 26, 1917
The Wilder Pavillion

McCallum Graduate School of Business